Amphoto Books, 1996
144 pages, 138 color photographs
This beautifully and thoroughly illustrated text provides all the information you'll ever need for planning your safari. Topics such as choosing your tour or safari, deciding when to go and to where, how to pack, and handling the logistics of traveling in East Africa.
More importantly, there is a wealth of information on how to photograph the various species of wildlife found on safari, from birds to mammals. In this valuable section such important topics as determining the correct exposure, composing, and, of special interest, anticipating key behaviors that these subjects practice that makes for outstanding images.
While this book is no longer in print, we have a DVD version, Photographing on Safari, available for $30 $20 plus $7.20 priority S & H to US address. Add 6% if shipped in PA
McDonald Wildlife Photography
73 Loht Road
McClure, PA 17841
Contact us by e-mail.
Or FAX us at: (717) 543-5342.