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Understanding High Speed Flash
Camera/Flash Triggering Devices


This ebook began as a companion piece to Creatures of the Night,
but it is so much more. This ebook gives an extremely thorough and
easy to read treatment of electronic flash, specifically how it applies to
wildlife photography. The treatment of triggering devices is unique.
no other book addresses this with such completeness.



You'll learn why understanding Manual Mode on your flash is important.
And how to capture nocturnal wildlife using devices like the RangeIR and Sabre

You'll be introduced to the Insect Rig for flying insects, like those below:

And the importance of understanding Lag Time for action shots.

Where appropriate, there are lighting diagrams and complete explanations
about the set-ups of wild mammals.


Insects, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians ... you'll
understand how to do these types of photographs!


This ebook can be purchased via eJunkie for $19.95

World's Deadlies Creatures CoverWorld's Deadliest Creatures

The natural world can be deadly, with animals as diverse as elephants and orcas or ticks and taipans having the potential to make any encounter a lethal one. This book explores the world’s most deadly creatures, covering every major animal group both on the land and in the sea, and the unique adaptations these animals have that make these creatures dangerous to man.

Contact our office for your signed copy. US $35
Limited stock available


Creatures of the Night


The book describes and illustrates a variety of nocturnal creatures, from mammals to insects, with descriptive captions. Small chapters on the various categories -- mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. and a small chapter on photographing nocturnal creatures are included.
US $ 29.99

It had been several years since Mary or I had written a book but recently we were contacted by a publisher to do so, and Creatures of the Night (rel. Dec 2015), World's Deadliest Creatures (rel. June 2016) and the soon to be released Camouflaged Wildlife (revised rel. date Apr 2017) are the results. - Joe


Finally, I would really appreciate it if you could do a review on Amazon -- that helps tremendously.
Also, Amazon sells a few of my now out-of-print books. These books were film-based, but the information on photography applies equally well to digital shooting. Obviously, histograms, post-processing, etc. were still far in the future, but the skills of photography have not changed.

I have two books available - Tigers and the Wildlife of India, and Jaguars and the Wildlife of the Pantanal. Both books are available on Amazon. In January 2017 I hope to have these books available as ebooks at considerably less cost.



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Two New Books Reviewed

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